Spanish Life as I see it

Blog about how living in Spain is from a Spaniard point of view. I will write about traditions, curiosities, news and everything related with Spain.

What Do Spaniards Drink?

Drinking is an important aspect of socialising and although most of the countries have the same offer of drinks, there may be some cultural differences. What and when do Spaniards drink?

In the morning

Spanish children most typical drink is a cocoa powder mixed with milk called Cola Cao. It is a very traditional drink that most children have had for breakfast in the recent history of the country. The taste is not very strong chocolate and it tends to be more sweet than unsweetened.

For workers, the most typical drink is coffe. It can be served with or without milk depeding one each on taste. I have to say that coffe is traditionally very bad in Spain, because people like the high roasted taste. Nowadays, it is changing and you can have better quality in many places.

When returning from party, the tradition is to drink chocolate. The difference with Cola Cao is that this chocolate is just a square of chocolate melted in milk.


At lunch the stars are water and wine, though more and more people is drinking beer now. In most regions people like red wine more than white.

The water is usually without sparks. If you want them, you have to specify it.

Afternoon and night

This is the time when bear comes into the scenery. Wine is also important and it depends on the region of Spain you are which one is the most popular. For example, where I live, people usually drink more wine than bear because it is of high quality and cheap, while bears are usually very regular, but is hard to find a really good one.

What about sodas?

When ti comes to sodas, Coke is the big star. Pepsi and other drinks have their own public, but I dont think they can be comparated with Coke.