Spanish Life as I see it

Blog about how living in Spain is from a Spaniard point of view. I will write about traditions, curiosities, news and everything related with Spain.

COVID-19 in Spain

When it comes to COVID-19, Spain is the country in worst position after Italy. Nowadays, it seems they are just two weeks ahead of us, but that we will end up suffering the same than them.

Right now, Spain is in a lockdonw. All the stores, cinemas and shopping centers shall remain closed. Only some basic business like gorceries or pharmacies can open.

People shall remain at home and only can leave to buy food, work or assits a family member that needs help. For the first three days, the police was just warning people, but right now they started to fine those that were outside without a good reason.

The situation is very different depending on the region. Madrid is the worst place to be right now. Hospitals are overwhelmed and they cannot assume all the people that needs caring. It seems the will need to use some hotels as a support infraestructure for patients.

Now everybody is scare and very concious.

I have to admit that at the beginning, when news came from China, I did not thought that we were going to be so badly affected. HOwever, when I saw the situation in Italy, I assume we would. In the end Spain and Italy have a very similar culture, and if they suffer it is likely that we too.

I dont think any leader of the worl expected this evolution. However, I still think some economical interests have been weighted too much.

In few days (about three or four I do not remember), the government of Spain was encouraging people to go to a massive protest in favour of womens right, to ask us not to leave home for amost anything.

Don't they really knew how serious this was going to be looking at what happened in China and Italy? Maybe.

If you ask me, it seems that they have been waiting so the people was afraid enough to push the lockdown. They did not dare to tell the people stay at home becaus eof course that is very unpopular and you need a good reason, so it seems they waited, not until they knew there was a good reason, but until most of the population knew.

Is it government fault that Spain is the second worst country in the world?

I really do not like our politicians. Nor the goverment, nor the ones in the opposition, but I think the population has its own share of responsibility.

When the government of Madrid pushed companies to make their workers work from home and close their public stores, the people went to their summer homes as if it was holidays. As a result, the virus spread more quickly through the country.

It also has shown the lack of unity in the humanity. The people form Madrid claimed against the Chinese and Asians, the people form Spain against the people from Madrid.

Racism always appears when people is afraid. We are like that, we always prefer to find someone to claim against than searching for a solution.

People from other cities claiming against the people from Madrid, forgot that many of that people leaving Madrid, was their friends and sons that are not really from Madrid, they just work there.

Funnily enough, with the country in a lockdown, we still were receiving hundreds of British people that have summer homes here. Honestly, you watch on the TV that the country is in a lockdown and the hospitals rejecting people and you still come?

This crisis tells us a lot about the culture of each place where it happens, and other common issues that arises in everyplace alike.