Spanish Life as I see it

Blog about how living in Spain is from a Spaniard point of view. I will write about traditions, curiosities, news and everything related with Spain.

Entries from 2018-01-01 to 1 year

Education and schools

I have studied a lot thorough my life with very different results and feelings. The kindergarden was nice, I liked it and enjoyed it, but then in the primary school I had a hard time. I wasn’t interested at all in the studies and I just di…

Are You Going to Ask Me All These?

Few days ago I went to buy some spices to cook spaghetti. In my city there is a new trend of in bulk-stores where you can take the unpacked products by yourself. These shops are suppoused to offer higher quality than supermarket, something…

Cristopher Colombus banned in Los Angeles

A few days ago the city of Los Angeles, CA, US took down a statue of Cristopher Columbus because according to Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda Solis: "The statue of Christopher Columbus rewrites a stained chapter of history that romanti…

Left wing and rigth wing, are they really far apart?

Spain is a country with a great political incoherency. Since the beginning of the 20th century, we have two main political forces: left and right. They are very different. While right wing thinks that the religion and economy are very impo…

Be a freelancer in Spain

Many businesses start with someone with a good idea starting to work as a freelancer. If things go well, this person may decide to create a company, hire people and become Google or Amazon. In Spain the dream of everybody is to become a wo…

Spanish Wedding

Ah weddings, those lovely parties in which you spend the money of a holidays just to eat in a restaurant with some friends and a lot of strangers. They are so lovely! Today I will explain how weddings work in Spain. First thing you need to…

How is a party in Spain

Spain is famous because of its parties. A lot of people come here looking for fun. Today I want to expalin how we party though, of course, each place and people may have different habits. First of all I have to say there is a big differenc…

Places to visit in Spain you haven't thought about

Spain is the third county in the number of tourists each year. Only France and the US are have more.The tourists usually go to three main destinations: The beach Barcelona Madrid This means that the rest of the country is unknown for a ver…

Minimum wage to reach 14,000 € per year

Recently, Spain approved a law that will increase the minimum wage of workers up to 14,000 € per year in 14 payments. We usually receive one payment each month plus two extra payments in summer and at Christmas. Nowadays, the minimum wage …

Racist News

If I am sure about one thing it is racism brings more racism. Because of that I really don't like it when I receive racist news by smartphone message apps like WhatsApp or Line or when I read then in a newspaper. If you do not know what I …

Travelling around Spain

Spain is a very important tourist destination, so you may think the travelling options are great. Are they? The transport infraestruchture is an heritage from Franco government. This means that everything had to be centralised and so the r…

The Internet Reviews

Internet reviews are very powerful when it comes to getting information about a product or service you may want to buy. However, how many of them are really legit? I would say fewer than you think. Most of the reviews in the internet are b…

Public Opinion About a Rape

Last year a group of men raped a youg woman in the San Fermín festivities in Pamplona. These festivities are very famous because of the running of the bulls. Many people from all over the world go to Pamplona to party, and there are always…

Spanish Terrorists Say Sorry

Spain has suffered terrorism from anarchist groups, independence movement and islamism. These days ETA the terrorist group supporting independence movement have said sorry to citizens without responsibility in the conflict. So the first co…

Entrepenur in Spain

A few days ago a man wrote me asking some tax questions. I am not a tax expert, but I have my own experience after freelancing for more than four years. This man wanted to know how he could invoice a company that he was going to start to w…

Knightfall the Historical Serie of the HBO

I like to see historical and medieval age based series. So when I saw Knightfall in the HBO, I thought that one was made for me. But soon enough, maybe in the second or third chapter the Princess of France says that she doesn't want to mar…