Spanish Life as I see it

Blog about how living in Spain is from a Spaniard point of view. I will write about traditions, curiosities, news and everything related with Spain.

Cristopher Colombus banned in Los Angeles

A few days ago the city of Los Angeles, CA, US took down a statue of Cristopher Columbus because according to Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda Solis:

"The statue of Christopher Columbus rewrites a stained chapter of history that romanticizes expansions of European empires and exploitations of natural resources and of human beings,”

However, I am not very sure if removing statues is a good decision. Has anyone any doubt that Egyptian emperors killed many people building the pyramids? Or was Julius Caesar and the other Roman Emperors conquering the Mediterranean giving kisses? Is removing the pyramids and statues the solution? What about Napoleon, Cleopatra and basically almost everyone with power enough to be considered an historical figure that has ruled before 20th century?

The history of humanity is full of genocides, because if you didn’t win a war you hardly pass into history in terms of governing.

I think it is very good that we are aware that this is not a good way to become an historical figure, but I also think that instead of removing statues, you can explain and educate people about what happened, why it happened, and why it shouldn’t happen again.

We need to face the mistakes we made before in order to not repeat them. I think this is more necessary than satisfying the most sensible people that are offended by a statue.

A statue doesn’t kill anyone, but ignorance certainly does.