Spanish Life as I see it

Blog about how living in Spain is from a Spaniard point of view. I will write about traditions, curiosities, news and everything related with Spain.

3 Modern Book Authors in Spanish

Someone that is willing to read in Spanish, but that is not living in the country, may find hard to choose books or authors to read. Chances are that if you look online, you will just find classic authors. Most of the lists will suggest Cervantes, of course.

Let's face it, classics are very well written, but are not always fun. Many people just want to spend a smooth time reading an engaging story, for which the old language in which classics are written is not the best.

Here I will suggest you mothern authors in Spanish, that write engaging stories that could be best sellers:

Alberto Vazquez Figueroa

His books may not be the most impressive literature in Spanish, but usually have very interesting stories that will keep you reading more and more. Are you going to take a plane to Spain? Then pick one of his books and enjoy the flight.

Some interesting titles: Tuareg, Sultana Roja, Fuerteventura.

Elvira Lindo

If you are into humor books, Manolito Gafotas's series by Elvira Lindo can make you laugh a lot and learn about Spanish life in the meantime. Manolito is the main character, a 5 years old boy that explains his life from his point of view, which is hillarious and has his own logic.

A title to read: Manolito Gafotas.

Áurea L Lamela

She is not very well known known even in Spain, but I had the chance to read one of her books, because she contacted me through my blog about book reviews in Spanish and I have to say that it was a great experience. If you like thrillers, murders and police research, her books are your thing.

Title suggestion: Sin criterio

There are many other authors, some much more famous than these ones I suggest here, but these are my personal recommendations. To enjoy the reading you need to have a high level of Spanish. If you are just starting, you should read easier things, like newspapers and blogs. Maybe a topic for other future post.