Spanish Life as I see it

Blog about how living in Spain is from a Spaniard point of view. I will write about traditions, curiosities, news and everything related with Spain.

Spanish gypsies and non-gypsies living together

Gypsies are a very important part of Spanish culture. Actually, Flamenco is one of our most popular identifiers internationally, and gypsies have a lot to say about it.

We could say there are two societies in Spain: non-gypsy and gypsy, and they hardly mix if they can avoid it. Although this is not politically correct, the truth is we have a lot of work to do in order to achieve a natural coexistence.

If you ask politicians, specially letf-winged, they will told you there is absolutely not a problem and that we live together without issues. I just can speak about my own experience and that is not true.

I have never had a positive experience with them. The best we have managed is a mutual ignorance. Are we racist because of this? I'm not saying I hate them, I'm not saying they hate me, but living together is difficult.

I have studied Sociollogy, so I know how people build the ideas about other people and how wrong this ideas may be.

But this blog is about my personal views.

When I was young, my best experience with them was a guy, much older and bigger than me saying:

"Hello, I'm gypsy and I don't want troubles. Can you lend me some money?"

As far as I know this lending was suppoused to be at 0% rate with a very low expectancy of return, since we didn't know each other. I would say that this was an attempted robbery. I refused the lending and nothing happened so I guess that it was just me being closed-minded.

Yeah this was the best one... I won't explain here the others, because we want a world of peace and love.

Maybe I haven't found the good ones. Maybe I haven't tried to meet more of them. I don't like lending much, so I have to recognise I didn't.

They have very possitive aspects. As I said Spanish culture would be totally different without them. But what I want to say in this post, is that cohabitation is not easy.That said, each person explains live based on their experience. Mine wasn't good.

I have managed to have latin american, european, and muslim friends. Which has taught me that prejudices are one of the factors that harm peace most.

Maybe the next experience will be positive. Last one, last summer, was not.