Spanish Life as I see it

Blog about how living in Spain is from a Spaniard point of view. I will write about traditions, curiosities, news and everything related with Spain.

Spanish actors: Javier Cámara

As I work at home writing texts for websites in Spanish, I need to make an effort to be updated about what is happening in the world. One of the things people in the street usually talk about and usually catches me offguard is TV series. Ok, you don't need to leave your home to be aware about what is going on in the TV, but since I spend a lot of time infront of the screen of my computer, when I have time I usually choose another ways of entertainment.

However a month or so ago I took the step to sign up in the HBO. Most of Spaniards choose Netflix, because they are not going to pay for both Netflix and HBO, but in my case I HBO appeals more to me because of its HBO content.

So, after watching Westworld I started to watch The Young Pope with Jude Law as a main character. My main reason was, because people that like series here, usually talk about it as one that is worth watching, so I just gave a try.

I have to say I like it. I don't think it is very realistic because I don't think the Pope has so much freedom as it has in the series. But it is an insteresting story about politics within an organization in which the main interest shouldn't be each one's goals but the welfare of humanity and God.

Another nice surprise was to watch Javier Cámara as Cardenal Gutierrez. I think he is a very good actor, though he wasn't internationally famous. I think the only Spanish actors that were famous was Antonio Banderas and Javier Bardem, Javier Cámara is very different kind of actor because he is not handsome at all. As a result, I think it is more difficult for him, to be noticed.

What is curious about this man, that also appears in Narcos, and seems to be becoming popular internationally, is that he got famous doing the role of a priest in Spain. It was in the firts half of the 90's and he did a very good work in a serie called Ay Señor Señor. A comedy, that I can recommend to those that want to practice Spanish watching an humor serie.

That story was about a modern priest (Andrés Pajares) making modern things in a community that was used to the habits of a more conservative one (Javier Cámara). The series hasn't a really great story to tell, but it was engaging and fun.

But now, I think it is time to see another chapter of The Young Pope... write to you next week!