Spanish Life as I see it

Blog about how living in Spain is from a Spaniard point of view. I will write about traditions, curiosities, news and everything related with Spain.

Cataluña and the independency

Cataluña or Catalunya is a Spanish region that wants to leave Spain.They say the region was an historial area with its own culture and identity. If you study History in Cataluña this is true, but if you study History in any other region of Spain it is false. I am not an expert in History, so I can't give my opinion. But the fact is they want leave Spain right now.

Following Spanish laws this is illegal. And here comes the problem. The politicians of this regions asked to do a referendum to ask the people if they want independency. But Spanish politicians rejected it. If you follow leaglity this is quite simple. There are about 40 million people in Spain and about 7 or 8 of them ar from Cataluña. Not all Spaniards are agains independency and not all Catalans are in favour of it, but the fact is those that want independency don't have democratic power enough to change the laws and become a country.

It is like if you have a contract with 10 friends (Spanish Constitution) and 2 of them want to break the contract without the agreement of the other 8. These 2, consider themselves a group and 100% of this group want to break the contract. But if you take the full group they only are the 20%. This is democracy. Nobody said democracy was perfect. We just belive it is the best way we know to rule the people.

Now, these two decide to do a ballot between them to see if they want to leave Spain. But the law says this is illegal. Government advised against this, because any government, police, and safety body has to do its best to make people respect the rules.

Now this referendum is saw internationally ike something very democratic. I do not understand how something illegal can be democratic. I belive democracy has its rules and it is mandatory to follow them. If we don't do it, I will tihnk something it is democratic, you will think the opposite and a third person will have another interpretation. So there will be as much rules as there are people and eventually society will fall in kaos.

If you ask me, I am not agains a referendum to ask people in Cataluña if they want to leave Spain, but I think they have to put they efforts to convince more people this shoud be legal and change the law.

For now, the only thing they have achieved is divide de country and show how they don't have any problem in ignore rules when they don't like it.

This is not the way.