Spanish Life as I see it

Blog about how living in Spain is from a Spaniard point of view. I will write about traditions, curiosities, news and everything related with Spain.

Forward together!! ... Who Knows Where???

Since we have made a fool of ourselves as country with all the issue with Catalonia's independence, the referendum and so on, our Ministry of Foreign Affairs have thought that what better than an explanatory video 1 minute long to clean up our international image.

We are awesome guys, and you will see it:


Forward Together Spain, Avanzar Juntos España

Very cool isn't it?

Now that a little girl has told you we are democratic country, I have no doubt you have no doubts.

I usually tend to think that our goverment thinks we, Spaniards, are stupid. Now I know they think the same about all the rest of the world.

I think that video is trying to support the democratic level of Spain, is not more than a cheap pamphlet saying obvious things. Yes, in case you wonder, we are able to vote, we are free to believe in any religion we want, and we even can think by ourselves.

What this video doesn't say is how politicians ignore the real desires of population. There was a movement time ago called 11 de septiembre, in which people from the full range of political beliefs went together against our sad democracy. Now that movement is dead, because a kind of modern communist party have appropiated that ideas for themselves. Of course many of the followers of the movement are now again without any ideas to follow. They just feel embarrased about how a political party can poor dirt onto noble ideas.

In the meantime the goverment is making explanatoy videos at the same level than many start ups do to explain their services.

We may like it or not (I actually do not like it), but there is a very big part of Catalonia that doesn't like Spain. That is a fact and our government is living in denial. And this is a very Spanish thing. Don Quijote our best known hero, even when he was a fictional character, lived a life of denial. He didn't like the way humans were evolving, and he tried to behave as a medieval knight, in a moment in which knights were over.

Hundreds of years after that, we are still Don Quijotes in a denial experience about the changes of life. There will come the day in which Catalonia will be independent and we won't be ready. As usual.