Spanish Life as I see it

Blog about how living in Spain is from a Spaniard point of view. I will write about traditions, curiosities, news and everything related with Spain.

Spanish Christmas Traditions on Danger: The Three Wise Men

There is a very nice Christmas tradition in Spain called Los 3 Reyes Magos or in English The Three Wise Men.

The Bible says that three wise men visited Jesus Christ just after his birth. They gave him gifts and recognized him as the son of God.

Nowadays, in Spain we celebrate that event on January 5th. So you can understand it quickly, it's basically the same idea as St Nicolas. The Three Wise Men bring presents to children and likely to everyone in the family.

No matter if you are religious or not it's a touching tradition, because children believe in magic and adults miss that times when they believed in magic.

But there is a problem. The Three Wise Men is a Catholic tradition. Spain is still a very Catholic country, but you know, people belive when they need help from God and forget it when things are going well and fun. As a result, Catholics have much less power than before, and much fewer followers too.

When it comes to politics, the left wing has always tried to convert Spain to a secular country. Actually, Spain is officially a secular country, but the religion's influence in culture is so big, that it seems it is not. So left winged parties are always fighting to remove everything related to religion, which is a nonsense since it is our history.

So in my city, that is one of the most conservative in the country, there is a left wing coalition in the city council. Cool, because our previous Mayor was always on TV because of his crazy statements like Trump (well, not at the same level, but you know what I mean).

There is another tradition in Spain. The people usually put a nativity scene with María, José and Jesus Christ of course, but also with a full village, with shepherds and many other traditional works. Apart from Jesus's family the most important figures are The Three Wise Men.

This nativity scene is usually in all homes, businesses' shop windows, churches, and in the main square of the cities.

Well, my city won't have a nativity scene. Because we are now left winged. I wonder if they will also remove the parade in the night where The Three Wise Men appear to throw candies to the children.

I guess not, because that parade is cool.

But I wonder, if the Three Wise Men will really come this year to my city, since there is not any baby Jesus, because there is not any Nativity Scene.

Belive me, I am not a religious man, but I like Christmas and Christmas is religion.

I am also fascinated how, parties struggle with this details that are a symbol of Catholicism of course, but also one of our traditions, while education continues to be based on agreements with Catholic schools because there are not enough public schools. Nobody worries about that, because schools are not a symbol, are not a battle to win, are not a stupid small detail that make people happy, are just not important, or are they?